纪录片《大英博物馆世界简史》 037北美水獭烟(5)(在线收听

Smoking was not only sophisticated, it was intellectual and meditative, and Sherlock Holmes famously described one particularly testing case as "quite a three-pipe problem".


And there was, of course, also the intensely enjoyable personal engagement with the physical object. Here's the politician Tony Benn:


"It's a beautiful object. I've never seen it before, and I do find it quite hard to imagine how you would smoke anything like that, but still I'm sure if you had to,you would…


Stanley Baldwin smoked a pipe, Harold Wilson smoked a pipe-it was a very normal thing to do, and of course the pipe of peace, and sitting round together, and friendship pipes associated with friendship, and so on. So they do have a meaning over and above the satisfaction of smoking. It's a sort of hobby in a way-you scrape it, and clean it and fill it and tap it and light it, and it goes out and you light it again, and if you are asked a question at a meeting-not that you can smoke in meetings any more-but if you were asked a question, light your pipe and say 'that's a very good question'-it gives you a little bit of time to think of the answer. But I wouldn't recommend anybody else to start smoking."

