纪录片《大英博物馆世界简史》 038球赛带(5)(在线收听

They were ball players, they lived in the underworld, and they played ball with the lords of death, regardless of who was playing that game.


It re-emphasised how Mesoamericans viewed themselves in the cosmos and in relation to the gods.


So they were playing out a game of gods and the lords of death every time they took to the ball court.


It used to be thought that the losing team was always sacrificially slaughtered,


but while this did later occasionally happen, at the time of our belt we don't know what lay in store for the losers.


Mostly the games were an opportunity for a community to feast, to worship and to create and reaffirm social ties.


It's thought that early on this was a game that both men and women could play,


but by the time the Spanish encountered the Aztecs in the sixteenth century the game was being played only by men.


The ball courts were designed to be sacred spaces in which offerings were buried, so making the building a living entity.


The Spanish recognised the religious significance of the courts and of course wanted to replace the old local pagan religion with their new, superior, Catholic one.


It cannot have been by accident that they built their cathedral in what is today Mexico City on the site of the Great Ball Court of the ancient Aztec city, Tenochtitlan.


But if the courts were destroyed, the game survived the brutal conquest of Mexico and the destruction of the Aztec culture.


A form of it is even played today, called 'ulama', proof, if any was needed, that once a sport embodies national identity as this one does, it has enormous staying power.

