纪录片《大英博物馆世界简史》 042鸠摩罗笈多王一世金币(1)(在线收听

Today, I'm in north-west London, in Neasden, walking into what must be one of the most startling buildings in the capital.It's the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, the Neasden Hindu temple,and it's a vast white building, elaborately carved in India by over 1,500 craftsmen, and then shipped to England.


I've taken my shoes off and come inside-into a large hall, sumptuously decorated with sculptures of the Hindu gods, carved in white Carrara marble.


Images like these, of Shiva, Vishnu and the other Hindu gods, strike us as timeless,but there was one particular moment when this way of seeing the gods began.


The visual language of Hinduism, just like Buddhism and Christianity, crystallises somewhere around the year 400,


and this exuberant crowd of deities in Neasden can be traced back, pretty well directly, to India's great Gupta Empire of around 1,600 years ago.

