纪录片《大英博物馆世界简史》 044辛顿圣玛丽肖像(1)(在线收听

I'm walking with the gods-I'm in the gallery that's got objects from the time when Britain was part of the Roman Empire,around 1,700 years ago.


Here is Mars, there's Bacchus with his wine cup, Pan piping on a silver dish... and now I've arrived at what looks like another pagan god, this time in mosaic.


It's a shoulder-length portrait.


He's roughly life-size, clean shaven, has fair hair swept back, and he's wearing a tunic and a robe tightly wrapped around his shoulders.


But which god is this?


There's a clue, because this is a man with a monogram.


Behind his head are the two Greek letters chi and rho and that tells me at once who he is, because they're the first two letters of the word Christos, and this is in fact Christ.


It's one of the earliest images we have of him anywhere, and it's an astonishing survival-made not for a church in the eastern Mediterranean or in Imperial Rome, but for the floor of a villa in Dorset, somewhere around the year 350.

