纪录片《大英博物馆世界简史》 049新罗瓦当(6)(在线收听

The united Silla kingdom, prosperous and secure at the end of the Silk Road, stands as one of the great periods of creativity and learning in Korean history, a "golden age" of architecture and literature, astronomy and mathematics. Fearsome dragon roof tiles like the one here at the British Museum long continued to be a feature of the roofscape in Kyongju and beyond. And the legacy of the Silla is apparent in Korea even today, as Choe Kwang Shik, Director General of the National Museum of Korea, tells us, via an interpreter:


"The cultural aspect of the roof tile still remains in Korean culture...and even if you go to the city of Kyongju now, you can see in the streets that the patterns still remain on the road, for instance. So, in that aspect, the artefact has now become ancient, but it survives through the culture. And, in a sense, I think Koreans feel that it is an entity, as if it's a mother figure. So I think in that sense Silla is one of the most important in Korean history."


But in spite of surviving street patterns and strong cultural continuities, not everyone in Korea today will read the Silla legacy in the same way, or indeed claim the Silla as their mother culture. Here's Jane Portal again.

