纪录片《大英博物馆世界简史》 053洛泰尔一世水晶雕刻(6)(在线收听

This was a huge dynastic setback for Lothair, but he seems to have accepted the Pope's decision.


Although he continued to try to find another way of divorcing her, he seems to have acknowledged publicly that the claims against Theutberga were groundless, and that the slandered woman was entirely innocent.


Because of the strong parallels with the Susannah story, it's always been tempting to see the Lothair Crystal as connected to this royal drama-perhaps it was made as a present for Theutberga to show Lothair's sincerity in accepting that she was blameless.


If so, it's a kind of private statement marking a temporary truce in their marital hostilities.


But it is almost certainly something much more significant.


In this last scene, the artist abandons the Biblical text and shows Susannah being declared innocent by a king sitting in judgement, and the inscription specifically names Lothair.


The message is clear: one of the key duties of the king is to ensure that justice is done.


In short, the king must secure and respect the rule of law, even at great personal cost to himself.


Justice is almost 'the' defining royal virtue.


A treatise, probably written for Lothair himself, spells this out:


"The just and peaceful king carefully thinks about each case, and not despising the sick and poor of his people, speaks just judgements, putting down the wicked and raising the good."

