
Forgetting It at Home 忘家里了

  A: Did you bring the pie chart for our presentation?

  A: 你带来给我们演示的圆形统计图了吗?

  B: You're going to be mad.

  B: 你会疯的。

  A: What did you do?!

  A: 你做了什么?!

  B: I forgot the pie chart.

  B: 我忘了圆形统计图。

  A: How could you forget?

  A: 你怎么会忘记?

  B: I am so sorry.

  B: 我很抱歉。

  A: Where is it?

  A: 它在哪里?

  B: It is at home.

  B: 它在家里。

  A: Are your parents at home?

  A: 你父母在家吗?

  B: My mom is at home.

  B: 我妈妈在家。

  A: Ask her to drop it off.

  A: 让她捎过来。

  B: I will call her right now.

  B: 我马上给她打电话。
