
Roommates 室友

  A: Apartments are so expensive these days.

  A: 现在公寓太贵了。

  B: Only rich people can afford to live in them.

  B: 只有有钱人才能住得起。

  A: My landlord raised the rent, so I'm moving out.

  A: 我的房东提高了房租,所以我要搬出去。

  B: Where will you live?

  B: 你将住在哪里?

  A: I don't know yet, I have to search for an apartment.

  A: 我还不知道,我得找一套公寓。

  B: Are you going to live alone?

  B: 你打算一个人住吗?

  A: Well, I've never had a roommate before.

  A: 嗯,我以前从未有过室友。

  B: I would find one if I were you.

  B: 如果我是你,我会找到一个。

  A: It would be helpful in paying the rent.

  A: 这将有助于支付租金。

  B: Post an ad on Craigslist and see who replies.

  B: 在Craigslist上发布广告,看看谁会回复。

  A: If a psycho becomes my roommate, I'll blame you.

  A: 如果一个疯子成为我的室友,我会怪你。

  B: If that happens, I'll stay far away from your apartment.

  B: 如果发生这种情况,我会远离你的公寓。
