
Wheelchair 轮椅

  A: The man getting on the bus is in a wheelchair.

  A: 上车的人坐在轮椅上。

  B: The driver has to adjust the seats.

  B: 驾驶员必须调整座椅。

  A: What will he do to them?

  A: 他会对他们做什么?

  B: He'll move them out of the way.

  B: 他会把他们推开的。

  A: They look difficult to move.

  A: 它们看起来很难移动。

  B: Maybe we should help him.

  B: 也许我们应该帮助他。

  A: What do I do?

  A: 我该怎么做?

  B: Just release the lever under the seat.

  B: 只需松开座椅下面的操纵杆。

  A: Now what do I do?

  A: 现在我该怎么办?

  B: Let's push the seats out of the way.

  B: 让我们把座位推开。

  A: The driver and man are so grateful!

  A: 司机和男人都很感激!

  B: We should always try to help others.

  B: 我们应该经常帮助别人。
