
Driving Fast to Work 开快车上班

  A: Why are you driving so fast?

  A: 你为什么开得这么快?

  B: I have to be at work on time.

  B: 我必须准时上班。

  A: Do you really have to?

  A: 你真的必须这么做吗?

  B: Yes, I will be fired if I'm late.

  B: 是的,如果我迟到,我会被解雇的。

  A: I don't want to die.

  A: 我不想死。

  B: Relax, I am a good driver.

  B: 放松点,我是个好司机。

  A: A good driver doesn't drive extremely fast.

  A: 好的司机不会开得很快。

  B: We haven't even hit anything yet.

  B: 我们甚至还没有击中任何东西。

  A: I bet you're going to get a ticket.

  A: 我打赌你会得到一张票。

  B: How much do you want to bet?

  B: 你想下注多少?

  A: If I win, you're never driving me.

  A: 如果我赢了,你永远不会开车送我。

  B: If I win, you have to shut up whenever I drive.

  B: 如果我赢了,我开车时你必须闭嘴。
