
Running Out of Gas 燃油耗尽

  A: Excuse me! Can you please help me?

  A: 对不起!你能帮帮我吗?

  B: What's the problem?

  B: 有什么问题?

  A: My car stopped in the middle of the road.

  A: 我的车停在路中间。

  B: Did you run out of gas?

  B: 你的汽油用完了吗?

  A: Yes, I think I did.

  A: 是的,我想是的。

  B: There is no gas station within walking distance.

  B: 步行距离内没有加油站。

  A: May I please borrow your phone?

  A: 我可以借用你的电话吗?

  B: Are you planning to call a tow service?

  B: 你打算叫拖车服务吗?

  A: Yes, I think it's all I can do.

  A: 是的,我想这是我所能做的。

  B: If you'd like, I'll drive you to the station.

  B: 如果你愿意,我开车送你去车站。

  A: Thank you so much!

  A: 非常感谢!

  B: It's no problem. Let's get going.

  B: 没问题。我们走吧。
