
  What are you doing? We're trying to sneak around.We didn't rent this place out.

  你在干嘛? 我们是偷偷溜进来的 又不是在这里包场

  You can rent this place?


  Give me that!


  Hey, you guys! No. Looks like there's some more stuff down here.

  嘿 伙计们 看来下面还藏了不少货

  We were hiding.


  When I say, "Hey!" you say, "Ho!"

  我说嘿 你们说吼

  There's more of them! That's right, I'm back. Enjoying the party, everyone? Because while you were living it up, I snuck onto their boat.

  他们还有一船的猪 没错 我回来了 派对好玩吗 伙计们? 刚才当你们狂欢的时候 我溜上了他们的船

  What? What did he say?

  什么? 他说什么?

  And look at what I found. There's more of them than we thought! Which is mysterious and weird, am I right?

  看看我发现了什么? 整整一船的猪被藏起 这难道...不是做贼心虚的表现吗?

  Hi, How ya doin'?

  你好 女神

  Remember, he said there were only two pigs on board, but he was obviously lying. And there are strange devices on their boat! So, clearly, there's, you know, some messedup stuff going on here. How messed up? I don't know. What specifically? I don't know that, either. Any questions?

  他之前说只有两只猪在他们的船上 现在看来他显然是在撒谎 而且他们的船上有各式各样奇怪的道具 很明显 那个他们充满了危险的气息 有多危险? 我不知道 怎么个危险法? 我也不知道 还有疑问吗?
