
  Red, we need a leader.

  胖红 我们需要一个领袖

  What are we gonna do? What we do now?


  Wait a minute. I'm not a leader.Okay, pigs stole our kids. That sucks.Made all you guys look like idiots.

  大家等一下 我不是什么领袖...好了 那些猪偷走了我们的孩子 晴天霹雳 把你们都劈傻了

  You know what we gotta do? We start replacing those kids. Ladies, get busy! We're gonna be laying some eggs tonight.

  我有一个办法 生新的蛋 来替代这些孩子 姑娘们 好好干

  No, no, stop. No, no, no, no. No.We're not gonna replace those kids.We're gonna get them back.

  让我们今晚就开始生蛋 行了 别说了 不...我们不会不管那些孩子 我们要把他们找回来

  How are we gonna do that?


  What do you mean how? The pigs already showed us how.That is where they went.And so, that is where we're going.

  那些猪从哪里来的 我们就到哪里去 那里 是他们逃走的方向 所以那里 就是我们要去的地方

  But how do we get from here to there? I am not aquatic in the least.

  可我们要怎么从这里到那里? 我这样的体型 不适合游泳

  Well, you know... We're gonna build our own boat. They stole your kids...No. They stole our kids.I mean, who does that? Have you ever stolen anyone's children? Have you? I mean, you look like you would.And you know what? I'm a little bit angry. Correction. I'm really angry. And I don't think I'm the only one.Come on, we're birds. We're descended from dinosaurs.We're not supposed to be nice. Right? Yeah. Point... Point made.

  这个...那个...我们也来造一艘船 他们偷了你们的孩子 不 他们偷了我们的孩子这真是丧尽天良 你们当中谁偷过别人家的孩子吗? 你偷过吗? 你长了张偷孩子的脸...知道吗? 我现在有点愤怒 更正 我真的很愤怒 我觉得不止我一只鸟 拜托我们是鸟 我们的祖宗可是大恐龙 我们生来就不是吃素的 对吗? 对 可以 学得很像
