
  Is that you right there, Red?

  那边那个是你吗 胖红?

  Really? Where? No. They didn't have to do... Yeah.

  真的吗? 哪里? 不 他们其实没有必要...我怎么这样

  That's funny, I don't remember crying on my knees like that. But, you know, it's nice.

  这就怪了 我... 不记得我有跪地嚎啕大哭过 不过... 算了 挺好的

  Look at that. They gave Mighty Eagle all the credit.

  瞧瞧这雕像 他们归给了无敌神鹰所有的功劳

  They made him look so much more handsome than you.


  You know, back when I was angry, that would have really ticked me off.

  知道吗? 要是换成过去易怒的我 这种事绝对会让我炸毛

  Forget about that.


  You know what we should do? Let's go to the village.

  接下来干嘛? 我们去村里吧

  Let's do it. No, actually, I'd love to go hang out with you guys

  我们走吧 事实上我很想和你们在一起

  But, you know, I got this thing, and I have another thing after that thing, and there's all these things in a row, so...

  但是我有点情况 一个情况完了会有另一个情况 总之会有各种各样的情况 所以...

  Would you look at that!


  What the...


  Mr. Red, welcome back to the village.

  胖红先生 欢迎回到我们的村子
