
Application Obsession 应用程序烦恼

  A: Do you know about phone applications?

  A: 你知道手机应用程序吗?

  B: Not much. Are you looking for one?

  B: 不多。你在找吗?

  A: I want to download the Tumblr app.

  A: 我想下载Tumblr应用程序。

  B: If you do, you'll never do any homework.

  B: 如果你做了,你就永远不会做任何家庭作业。

  A: Why do you think that?

  A: 你为什么这么想?

  B: You'd waste time on your phone all day.

  B: 你会整天在手机上浪费时间。

  A: Don't you think I am responsible?

  A: 你不认为我有责任吗?

  B: I know you're not responsible.

  B: 我知道你没有责任。

  A: Why would you say that?!

  A: 你为什么这么说?!

  B: Because you never turn things in on time.

  B: 因为你从不按时交东西。

  A: Maybe I'll enroll in online classes.

  A: 也许我会报名参加在线课程。

  B: They won't be anything like Tumblr.

  B: 他们不会像Tumblr那样。
