
  This might explain why, when journalistic dedication compelled me to buy a red version of the Yeezy Gap hoodie, I got the impression that I was dressed up as Ye himself.

  这也许可以解释,为什么当记者的奉献精神迫使我买了一件红色版本的Yeezy Gap卫衣时,我给人的印象是我打扮成了叶本人。

  The double-layered cotton sweatshirt is remarkably heavy, almost like a weighted blanket, and while it bears no external logos, it has a distinctive shape: a dropped shoulder, a loose arm, a cropped but oversized fit.

  这件双层棉质卫衣非常厚重,几乎就像一条加重的毯子,虽然它没有外部logo,但它有一个独特的形状:肩膀下垂 ,宽松的手臂,裁剪不正是大版型的。

  Very Iron Giant.


  Unlike the Gap black skinny pants that simply become your pants, this sweatshirt is the kind of product that might actually elicit comments on the street.


  It’s not your hoodie, it’s Ye’s hoodie.


  After a few weeks of debating whether I could pull off wearing the sweatshirt without looking like I was trying to be younger and hipper than I am, I decided to return it.


  The thought of young Yeezy fans clocking it on the street made me feel old.


  (I’m 30.)


  Drawing in younger shoppers is an existential matter for Gap.


  “As consumers get older, they shop less,” said Kloppenburg.


  It’s not clear that Yeezy Gap is going to convert Ye fans into Gap customers, though.

  不过目前还不清楚Yeezy Gap是否会将Yee的粉丝转变为Gap的客户。

  Shoppers can order the products through a dedicated Yeezy Gap website.

  购物者可以通过Yeezy Gap专用网站购买产品。

  “This collaboration is good for Kanye and it’s good for Kanye fans, because he can now produce and distribute at scale and at a price point that’s friendlier to people who don’t want to pay for luxury items,” Harris said.


  He was less certain that it would do much good for Gap.


  A number of retail experts with whom I spoke were baffled by Gap’s discordant product output, which includes not only Yeezy Gap but also a home goods collaboration with Walmart.

  与我交谈过的许多零售专家对Gap不和谐的产品产量感到困惑,其中不仅包括Yeezy Gap,还包括与沃尔玛的家居用品合作。

  “I come back to the question: Who are you?” said Stephens.


  “What do you stand for as a brand? And what can consumers look to you for?”


  Within the nascent microcosm of Yeezy Gap, the parent organisation has finally gained access to something it hasn’t had in decades: a point of view.

  在Yeezy Gap这个新生的缩影中,母公司终于获得了几十年来没有的东西:观点。

  In the same way that Gap’s identity flowed directly from Drexler during the 80s, Yeezy Gap is all about Ye’s singular sensibility.

  就像80年代Gap直接从德雷克斯勒那里获得身份认同一样,Yeezy Gap完全是关于叶的独特情感。

  But that sensibility is imported, forged outside Gap’s walls and well before this deal was signed.


  Ye’s fans will follow him wherever he goes, and when he eventually parts ways with Gap, you have to wonder what will be left behind.

