
New Webcams 新的网络摄像头

  A: Computers are so amazing.

  A: 电脑太神奇了。

  B: I agree! I love the new webcams.

  B: 我同意!我喜欢新的网络摄像头。

  A: Did you buy one recently?

  A: 你最近买了吗?

  B: My laptop came with one. My mother loves it.

  B: 我的笔记本电脑附带了一个。我妈妈喜欢它。

  A: Who does your mother use it to speak with?

  A: 你妈妈用它和谁说话?

  B: She calls my great aunt from out of state.

  B: 她从州外给我的大姨妈打电话。

  A: I didn't know you had a great aunt.

  A: 我不知道你有一个大姨妈。

  B: Neither did I!

  B: 我也没有!

  A: That webcam is bringing your family together.

  A: 网络摄像头让你的家人团聚。

  B: It really is. I cannot wait to meet her!

  B: 真的。我等不及要见她了!

  A: I thought you already talk to her often.

  A: 我以为你已经经常和她说话了。

  B: I do, but I will meet her in person next month.

  B: 我知道,但下个月我会亲自见到她。
