
Webcam 网络摄像头

  A: Why is there a sticker over your webcam lens?

  A: 为什么你的摄像头镜头上有贴纸?

  B: I don't trust the computer company.

  B: 我不信任电脑公司。

  A: Do you think it's spying on you?

  A: 你认为它在监视你吗?

  B: There have been reports of people being spied through webcams.

  B: 有报道称有人通过网络摄像头被监视。

  A: That's actually pretty creepy.

  A: 这真是令人毛骨悚然。

  B: Yeah, it's pretty bad.

  B: 是的,很糟糕。

  A: Is it always the company that is accused of spying?

  A: 被指控从事间谍活动的总是公司吗?

  B: No, sometimes it's malware you get from emails.

  B: 不,有时是你从电子邮件中收到的恶意软件。

  A: That's even scarier! You never know who can be watching.

  A: 那更可怕!你永远不知道谁能看。

  B: Ever since I found out, I put a sticker on my webcam.

  B: 自从我发现后,我就在我的网络摄像头上贴了一张贴纸。

  A: It really is a good idea. I'll do it, too.

  A: 这真是个好主意。我也会做的。

  B: Besides, I think it looks pretty cute, too!

  B: 此外,我觉得它看起来也很可爱!
