
The Great Divide 大分裂

  A: Are you a Democrat or a Republican?

  A: 你是民主党人还是共和党人?

  B: I am a Republican, of course.

  B: 当然,我是共和党人。

  A: Republicans are conceited and judgmental!

  A: 共和党人自负且吹毛求疵!

  B: Your liberal stubbornness tells me you're a Democrat.

  B: 你的自由主义固执告诉我你是民主党人。

  A: Don't insult me!

  A: 别侮辱我!

  B: There's a reason the Democrats' mascot is a donkey.

  B: 民主党的吉祥物是驴子,这是有原因的。

  A: At least we're not unforgiving elephants!

  A: 至少我们不是无情的大象!

  B: I don't agree with any of the Democratic outlooks.

  B: 我不同意任何民主党的观点。

  A: I don't believe in any Republican beliefs, either.

  A: 我也不相信任何共和党的信仰。

  B: What should we do, then?

  B: 那我们该怎么办?

  A: Let's just not talk politics, or we'll be like those terrible politicians!

  A: 我们不要谈论政治,否则我们会像那些可怕的政客一样!

  B: I guess regardless of viewpoints, politicians are all bad.

  B: 我想不管观点如何,政客都是坏人。
