巴斯克维尔的猎犬 沼地的惨剧(21)(在线收听


"I heard a cry also. That was what brought me out. I was uneasy about Sir Henry."“我也听到了喊声, 因此我才跑了 出来, 我很替亨利爵士担心。”

"Why about Sir Henry in particular?" I could not help asking.

“为什么单单替亨利爵士担心呢? ” 我忍不住地问了一句。

"Because I had suggested that he should come over. When he did not come I was surprised,and I naturally became alarmed for his safety when I heard cries upon the moor. By the way" -- hiseyes darted again from my face to Holmes's -- "did you hear anything else besides a cry?"“因为我已经约他来了, 可是他并没有来, 我吃了一惊, 因此当我听到沼地里的喊声的时候, 我当然要为他的安全而大感惊慌了 。” 他的眼光再度从我的脸上忽地转向福尔摩斯,“除了那喊声之外, 您还听到了什么声音没有? ”

"No," said Holmes; "did you?"

“没有。” 福尔摩斯说, “您呢? ”



"What do you mean, then?"

“那么, 您这样问是什么意思呢? ”

"Oh, you know the stories that the peasants tell about a phantom hound, and so on. It is saidto be heard at night upon the moor. I was wondering if there were any evidence of such a soundto-night."

“啊, 您总知道农民们所说的关于那只鬼怪似的狗和其他等等的故事吧, 据说夜间在沼地里能够听得见。 当时我正在想, 今晚是否可能听得到这样的声音呢。”

"We heard nothing of the kind," said I.

“我们没有听到这一类的声音。” 我说道。

"And what is your theory of this poor fellow's death?"“可是你们以为这个可怜的家伙是怎么死的呢? ”

"I have no doubt that anxiety and exposure have driven him off his head. He has rushed aboutthe moor in a crazy state and eventually fallen over here and broken his neck."“我可以肯定, 焦虑的心情和长期露宿在外的生活已经把他逼得发疯了 。 他一定曾经疯狂地在沼地里奔跑, 而最终则在这里跌了一跤, 把脖子摔断了 。”
