巴斯克维尔的猎犬 沼地的惨剧(22)(在线收听


"That seems the most reasonable theory," said Stapleton, and he gave a sigh which I took toindicate his relief. "What do you think about it, Mr. Sherlock Holmes?"“看来这倒是个最合理的说法,” 斯台普吞说道, 他还叹了一口气。 依我看, 这是表示他已放了心了 ,“您认为怎么样, 歇洛克· 福尔摩斯先生? ”

My friend bowed his compliments.


"You are quick at identification," said he.

“您认人认得真快。” 他说道。

"We have been expecting you in these parts since Dr. Watson came down. You are in time tosee a tragedy."

“自从华生医生到来之后, 这里的人就知道您也会来的。 您倒赶上了看这一出悲剧。”

"Yes, indeed. I have no doubt that my friend's explanation will cover the facts. I will take anunpleasant remembrance back to London with me to-morrow."“是的, 确是如此, 我确信我的朋友的解释是能够概括全部事实的。 我明天就要带着一桩不快的回忆回到伦敦去了 。”

"Oh, you return to-morrow?"

“喔, 您明天就回去吗? ”

"That is my intention."


"I hope your visit has cast some light upon those occurrences which have puzzled us?"“我希望您的这次来访, 多少能把这些我们所大惑不解的事情搞出一些眉目 来。”

Holmes shrugged his shoulders.


"One cannot always have the success for which one hopes. An investigator needs facts andnot legends or rumours. It has not been a satisfactory case."“人并非总能根据自 己的主观愿望得到成功的。 负责调查工作的人需要的是事实而不是传说和谣言。 这件案子办得并不使人满意。”

My friend spoke in his frankest and most unconcerned manner. Stapleton still looked hard athim. Then he turned to me.

我的朋友以他那最坦白和最漫不经心的神态讲着。 斯台普吞还是死盯着看他, 然后他又向我转了过来。
