《蓝精灵寻找神秘村》精讲 09(在线收听

Oh, no

噢 不

My turn!


Safety third


Oh, boy

噢 天

Really takes your breath away, doesn't she?

她真是迷死人不偿命啊 是不是

This is incredible!


Huh? Oh, no!

啊 哦 不

She's getting way too close to the forbidden forest


She can't go over that wall. Come on

她可不能越过那个围墙 快走

No, no, no, wait. Don't go

不 不 不 等等 哦 不要跑

Wait. Wait, who are you? Don't be afraid

等下 你是谁啊 别害怕

Hey, you can't go in there

嘿 那里是禁止进入的

Smurfette! Smurfette!

蓝妹妹 蓝妹妹

Smurfette, you okay?

蓝妹妹 你还好么

What happened? What happened?

怎么了 怎么了

I saw a smurf


What? Who was it?

啥 那是谁呢

I don't know but he was wearing this

我也不知道啊 但是我捡到了他的帽子
