《神奇动物在哪里》精讲 43(在线收听

His mother beats him.


She beats all those kids she adopted, but she seems to hit him the most.

她鞭打她收养的所有小孩 但似乎对他下手最重

And she was the NoMaj you attacked?


That's how I lost my job. I went for her in front of a meeting of her crazy followers.

我就是这样失业的 我动手时正是她和信徒的集会

They all had to be obliviated. It was a big scandal.

在场的人都必须被抹去记忆 当时惹了很大的乱子

It's him.


So... You're the guy with the case full of monsters, huh?


News travels fast. I was hoping you'd be able to tell me if there have been any sightings. Tracks. That sort of thing.

消息传得挺快嘛 我希望您能告诉我 有没有什么奇异的事发生或者踪迹之类

You've got a big price on your head, Mr. Scamander.

你的脑袋值不少钱呢 斯卡曼德先生

Why should I help you instead of turning you in?

我为什么要帮你 不如把你交上去

I take it I'll have to make it worth your while?


Let's consider it a cover charge.


MACUSA's offering more than that. Lunascope? I got five.

魔法国会的悬赏可比这多多了 望月镜 我有五个

Frozen Ashwinder egg.


You see, now we're... Wait a minute. That's Bow... That's a Bowtruckle, right? No.

现在我们...等一下 那是护...那是护树罗锅吧 不行

Come on. They pick locks, am I right?

得了吧 它们能开锁对吧

You're not having him.


Well...Good luck getting back alive, Mr. Scamander, what with the whole of MACUSA on your back.

希望你能从魔法国会的漫天抓捕中逃生 斯卡曼德先生

All right.

