临时需要的一句话 7 和朋友去喝一杯(在线收听

1.How about a drink?

2.I need a drink.

3.Would you like to have a drink after work?

4.Do you have any beer?

5.Two bottles of beers, please.

6.One whisky with water, please.

7.What kind of snacks should we have?

8.Let`s forget about work and have some fun.


10.What are you drinking?

11.I like to go barhopping.走走喝喝

12.The first sip is the best.

13.Nothing beats this.

14.Would you like a refill? 再来一杯?

15.Another beer ,please.

16.This whisky is strong.

17.How do you like sake ?日本酒

18.It`s strong.

19.I`m drunk.

20.I feel a little tipsy(我觉得有些醉)

21.I`m loaded. 醉醺醺

22.Drink moderately!适度

23.I get drunk easily.酒量不好

24.I drank too much.

25.I should have drunk less.不应该

26.I have a hangover.
