临时需要的一句话 25 不满与抱怨(在线收听


Oh, heck. ([口][hell的委婉语]见鬼)

2. 完蛋了


3. 可恶


4. 混蛋


5. 哦,天阿/哦,糟了


6. 不是每件事都是按章理的

Not everything is logical.

7. 耗尽了(指金钱而言),破产

It went down the drain.

8. 就差那么一点就赶上了

I almost made it.

9. 想想办法阿

Do something!

10. 我太忙了

I'm so busy.

11. 我担不起这个任务

This task is too much for me.

12. 我的薄薪无法使我收支平衡

I can't make ends meet on my small salary.

13. 我无法再忍耐下去了

This is the last straw.

14. 我无法接受你说的话

Your response is unacceptable.

15. 我无法认同他的回答

I'm not satisfied with his answer.

16. 他今天态度不友善

He's got a chip on his shoulder today.

17. 公正一点

Play fair.

18. 真是浪费时间与金钱

What a waste of time and money!

19. 你太慷慨了

You are too generous.

20. 他把所有的事情都告诉我了

He told me all about it.

21. 为什么花那么久的时间?

What's taking so long?

22. 我没办法在十分钟内做好

I can't make it in 10 mins.

23. 他看不起我

He looks down on me.

24. 你没有一点帮助

You're good for nothing.

25. 它令我快发疯了

It drives me crazy.

26. 只有这些吗?

Is that all?

27. 这些不够的

That's not enough.

28. 他对我不公平

He's unfair to me.
