VOA健康报道2023 埃塞俄比亚内战留下的心理创伤将影响下一代人(在线收听

The war in Tigray is over, but the trauma remains.


Tsega Fitsum is a volunteer teacher at the Mai Weyni school in the Tigray capital, Mekelle.

Tsega Fitsum是提格雷州首府默克莱市Mai Weyni学校的一名志愿者教师。

She said, when school started soon after the November peace deal of last year, her students' minds were still on the conflict.


"They used to be inclined to draw guns instead of writing alphabets and numbers," she told VOA.


"But now, we say 'The war has stopped. There is peace and there is no fear, and they should work freely.'"


The effects of the war are likely to continue for years.


The Mai Weyni school is home to more than 8,500 people who were displaced by the war.

Mai Weyni学校是8500多名因战争而流离失所的人的家园。

About 5,100 are children under the age of 18.


Most have been outside of the education system for more than two years.


A 2022 report by the United Nations said that 1.39 million children in Tigray do not attend school.


The war between Ethiopia's federal government and Tigrayan forces left many children without parents or separated from families.


The effect of those emotional wounds last a long time for children, experts say.


Etsedingel Hadera is a psychiatrist in Mekelle's Ayder Hospital.

Etsedingel Hadera是默克莱市Ayder医院的精神科医生。

He said it is important for parents to help ease the hidden scars the children carry.


"When parents see behavioral changes, they should give their children hope and let them know it's okay and that it will all pass," he told VOA.


"If they are not comforted that way, they listen to everything around them, even when we think they are not paying attention."


Fitsum said the top goal must be healing the children at the school and reuniting them with their families.


"Many children were hurt and some were forced to live parentless...But if there is peace, they want to go back to school and return to their families. We need to make an effort, especially for the children," she said.


Meresu Gebru is a mother who sought shelter on the school grounds after fleeing Mai-Kadra.

Meresu Gebru是一位母亲,她逃离迈卡拉后在学校操场上寻求庇护。

She said: "Education is a solution for all. I want education, stability."


Gebru fled with one of her five children from the town where some of the war's worst violence took place.


Her four other children, along with her husband, fled to Sudan.


People who live around the school said life is far from normal for the children.


Mekelle was bombed by government warplanes several times.


"During the war, children were psychologically traumatized," said Gebregziabher Hadush, who lives Mekelle.

住在默克莱市的Gebregziabher Hadush说:“战争期间,孩子们遭受了心理创伤。”

Now that there is a peace deal, experts say mental health services should be offered to children as they reenter the classrooms.


Psychiatrist Etsedingel said the problems from the war will continue to effect the next generation.


"Some of my patients under 18 say they have lost hope," he said.


"They are thinking about committing suicide. Some ask, 'What is our hope? School has stopped and we are suffering.' They need psychosocial support."

