华盛顿邮报 FTX帝国倒下的原因是什么?(3)(在线收听


    But, also, isn't this, like, Tech Bro 101 of, like, oh, it's a flex to show up to important meetings with your T-shirt or hoodie or whatever?


    I feel like we've seen that from some other tech-company founders, as well.


    Yeah, I absolutely think it's Tech Bro 101.


    It was a kind of a flex.


    And it was also, I think, part of an image that he was actively cultivating to make himself seem like this really quirky guy who was kind of all about living humbly because he was so focused on his mission.


    And his mission -- I think this is important to understand as far as the myth-making that he did around himself.


    It was meant to be twofold.


    So, he was in crypto, he said, to make a lot of money, but it wasn't an end in itself.


    Whereas crypto has gotten kind of stereotyped as this playground for people who get way too rich way too quick and then spend it on yachts and Lambos and stuff, he said he was really focused on making as much money as he could so that he could give all of it away.


    And he had this philosophy that he said he ascribed to that is coming into vogue in Silicon Valley called effective altruism.


    So as you're giving money away, you're maximizing the benefit of each dollar that you give.


    The way that sort of, like, I think about things both from an effective-altruism perspective and from, you know, running a company and everything else is like, you know, how much good can you do per dollar, how much bang for the buck, how much, you know, per minute that you spend?


    Like, what are the ways that you can maximize the amount of impact that you're having?


    And, so, the sweet spot that I try and find is like, where are places where there is an issue that is really pivotal for the future of the world and where I also think, like, I might be able to move the needle?


    But it was also very much a part of his presentation that he was, you know, not some rapacious capitalist who was just trying to hoard as much wealth as he could.


    He was really in this to do good.


    And I think that helped a lot in Washington as he came here and was starting to circulate and advocate for a regulatory framework for his -- for crypto that would benefit him and his company.

