华盛顿邮报 捐赠的旧衣物最后到哪去了?(3)(在线收听


    And then how should I go about figuring out where to donate my clothes once I've decided that they're in good enough shape?


    Yeah. Very, very much an individual decision, right?


    It depends on what is maybe available to you, what causes you want to support.


    There are online resources. You can go to places like Charity Watch or Charity Navigator. The Better Business Bureau has a website as well.


    And basically all sort of have the similar function of they evaluate charities they give you information about how they operate, and so that's just a good, you know, resource that you could use if you really wanted to learn more about the different charities at your disposal.


    If you have maybe specialty items, like an old prom dress or formal wear or workwear and suits, you can look for organizations that specialize in asking for those items. And, you know, those are easily searchable online as well.


    I have to ask you also, what's the deal with those -- I don't know if they're common in a lot of American cities, but I feel like in places that I've lived or traveled, there will be these like big, like steel donation boxes on the corner where you just, like, dump clothes.


    And sometimes I'm like, "I don't really know where this is going, but it seems like the right idea." What's the story with those?


    Yeah, those boxes do exist. Again, it comes down to looking up the organizations that are behind the boxes. And not just dumping your clothes.


    Right, right. So you want to -- If you see a name on the box and you're kind of curious about it, definitely look that up.

    对, 没错。如果你看到捐衣箱上的名字,对它有点好奇,一定要查一下。

    Take a look at -- See if they're listed on any of these evaluation sites. Take a look at the information there.


    And, you know, right. If you are really worried, sometimes the best thing to do is you should drop your donations off in person and talk to the people that you're dropping it off to.


    What about when to donate clothing? Like, are there some times of year that are better to donate than others?

    什么时候捐赠衣服呢? 一年中是否有一些时候比其他时候更适合捐赠呢?

    Yeah, absolutely, and it's actually helpful, I think, for the organization that you're donating to if you are thinking about whether what you're donating is seasonally appropriate.


    So a really great example is, you know, a lot of people will get rid of their winter wear in the summer because they don't, you know, they don't need it anymore. Maybe they're cleaning it out.


    That's actually probably not helpful because people aren't looking for that type of clothing in the summertime.


    So if you do have that, hold on to it for when winter or fall rolls around and donate it then.


    So maybe there's a better chance that it's useful to someone in that period.


    Something interesting that I also learned while I was reporting this in terms of timing is just donating a bunch of clothes after disasters that happen? Not actually that helpful in a lot of cases.




    Yeah. And that surprised me because I think there -- I was sort of in a sense of, "Well, in a post-disaster situation, anything helps."是的。这让我很惊讶,因为我觉得,在某种意义上,“嗯,在灾后,任何事情都有帮助。”
