华盛顿邮报 拜登儿子亨特与检方达成认罪协议(2)(在线收听


    Matt, I also know Republicans have made a lot of Hunter Biden's past connections to a Chinese and a Ukrainian energy firm.


    Does this case have anything to do with Hunter Biden's foreign business dealings?


    So, the charges don't necessarily have to do with foreign business dealings. It's a little bit more simple, that he wasn't paying taxes.


    Some of that income could have been coming from foreign sources, but he's not being charged with doing anything wrong related to that.


    We should note, from David Weiss, the U.S. attorney, a curious note as they announced this that said the investigation is ongoing.


    So it's a little bit unclear whether him pleading guilty to this closes the book completely on the Hunter Biden, you know, negotiations with the Department of Justice or if there's more to come.


    So, Matt, the other thing that I've been hearing about is that the Department of Justice has been accused of political interference as it relates to investigations around Hunter Biden.


    Can you break down what that is all about and where that stems from?


    Yeah. So, I mean, we should say that Hunter's going to plead guilty. You know, it would be a surprise if the judge doesn't approve this.


    And in that sense, the legal battle is over, in one sense, but the cloud is not going away.


    There's these two IRS agents who were part of investigating this case who have recently come forward to House Republican committees and testified about what they see as political interference into the Hunter Biden case.


    Two whistleblowers claim that Hunter Biden received "preferential treatment" when prosecutors offered a plea deal this week.


    They think that it was not sprawling enough.


    They think that there's additional tax years that were eventually -- the statute of limitations was allowed to expire.


    So they did not charge him for earlier tax years, which did involve more of his foreign-business years, where he was doing more business there.


    They claim that they were told not to look into as much of Joe Biden and sort of his potential involvement in some of these things, don't ask certain questions as they were investigating.


    So their charges are kind of now under debate.

