华盛顿邮报 黑色星期五怎么买更划算?(4)(在线收听


    Yeah, right? You buy a sweater for your sister. You're thinking, "Ooh, I like this sweater, too." And then you buy one.

    是的, 没错? 你给妹妹买了一件毛衣。你在想,“哦,我也喜欢这件毛衣。” 然后你也买了一件。

    In fact, Gallup did a survey and said that this holiday season, many people are going to be shopping for themselves as they shop for other people.


    It's no problem treating yourself. But if you're busting your budget, you want to control that.


    And then there's the bargain hunter. They live for Black Friday and Cyber Monday.


    It's like the Super Bowl to them. They're the ones who would be willing to get up at 2:00 and 3:00 in the morning, when the stores were doing that, to stand in line to snap that bargain.


    But if you've not really watched prices during the year, you may not actually be getting a bargain and you could be losing sleep in the meantime as well.


    What's more precious than that, right?


    That's right. And then the last-minute maven. This is a person who's a procrastinator.


    And that can mean that you make poor buying decisions because you're feeling rushed and you're standing in a long line and you're next to stuff that they want you to buy, because a lot of the stores have items in the checkout line, and so you're just grabbing stuff, and next thing you know, you've overspent.


    And the last person is the early bird. These people, they're listening to this, they've already finished their holiday shopping.


    Yeah. They're like, "What? You all are behind. What are you doing?"是的。他们会说:“什么? 你们都落后了。你们在干什么?”

    Exactly. They're like, "I don't know why y'all in that mess."没错。他们会说:“我不知道你们为什么会乱成一团。”

    My sister's like that. She buy -- By November 1, she's done. She's like, "I'm done. I'm not going to be in the stores."我妹妹就是这样。她11月1号就买完了。她说:“我买完了。我不会出现在商店里了。”

    And that actually is a good thing because it will help you save money because if you're an early bird shopper, you probably have a budget, you've planned it out, you've bought your stuff throughout the year.


    When you're an early bird shopper, you can cash-flow your spending.


    So that say, maybe you've got a little bit more money in June. So you do some of your shopping, but then July, things are a little tight and in August it's a little bit better,也就是说,你在6月份可能会有比较多的钱。你会去购物,不过7月份会有点紧张,而8月份会好一些,and so you end up not putting things on a credit card because you have watched your income coming in and you know "Okay, this month I have a little bit extra so that I can buy gifts for folks."你不会用信用卡购物,因为你看着自己的工资打进来,你知道“这个月我有一些额外的收入,这样我就可以给别人买礼物了。”

    And what about those buy-now, pay-later opportunities?


    I see those online ads pop up often if I'm going to buy a shirt.


    They're like, "Oh, do you just want to pay for this in installments?" Is that a bad idea?

    这些广告会说:“哦,你想分期付款吗? ” 这是个馊主意吗?

    I think you need to be extremely careful with the, you know, buy-now, pay-later because a lot of those items are things that if you have to take four payments to buy a sweater or even a TV, that says to me that you've got some financial issues going on, and so you need to be really careful.


    Now, if you're expecting a bonus check or something like that, and you're like, "You know, it's going to come in," then maybe you're okay.


    But please be very careful about that because, again, if you need to stretch out the payments, that's a sign for you to look at your budget and see if you really can afford to buy whatever for those four or five extra payments.

