美联社新闻一分钟 AP News 2008-04-05(在线收听

1. People across the country marked the 40th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In Atlanta, his children laid a wreath at his tomb. Many more gathered at the Memphis Hotel where he was gunned down in 1968.The presidential candidates also spoke of King's contributions.


2. Severe storms rocked the South. A tornado swept through parts of the Arkansas. Severe weather also damaged homes and spread debris across Jackson, Mississippi.


3. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her husband, the former president, made more than 109 million dollars over 7 years. The Clintons also paid nearly 34 million dollars in taxes from 2000 through 2007. They gave 10 million to charity.


4. An 18-year-old Florida surfer says he will be back in the water despite the fact he is recovering from a shark bite. The shark clamped down his ankle while he was surfing south of the Daytona Beach. He has more stitches than the doctors could count.
