Scene 98 羞愧(在线收听

Scene 98 羞愧

❶ 我非常不好意思。I'm really sorry.

同类表达 I feel very sorry.

I am terribly sorry.

❷ 我想找个地洞钻进去。I want to crawl into a hole and hide.

对话 A: I want to crawl into a hole and hide. 我真想找个地洞钻进去。

B: Come on, that's not your fault. 拜托,那不是你的错。

❸ 我觉得很难为情。I feel so embarrassed.

同类表达 I felt terribly ashamed. 我感觉羞愧难当。

对话 A: I feel so embarrassed to put on workout clothes in front of someone else. 我觉得在别人面前穿紧身运动服太难为情了。

B: So does everyone. 每个人都这样啊。

❹ 我为自己感到惭愧。I'm ashamed of myself.

对话 A: I'm ashamed of myself. 我为自己感到惭愧。

B: Forget about it. It's just a small mistake. 别这样,只是一个小错而已。

❺ 真丢脸!For shame!

对话 A: I asked her on a date even though I knew she had a boyfriend. 尽管我知道她已经有男朋友了,我还是约了她。

B: For shame! 真丢脸!

❻ 他的脸红了。His face was turning red.

同类表达 He blushed.

❼ 这次我真的搞砸了。I really screwed up this time.

同类表达 I goofed up 我出大错了。

I messed it up. 我搞砸了。

❽ 没什么可羞愧的。There is nothing to be ashamed about.

对话 A: What's wrong? 怎么了?

B: I can do nothing. 我什么都不会。

A: If you don't know, you can learn. There is nothing to be ashamed about. 如果你不了解,可以学。这没什么可羞愧的。

❾ 为什么我一直犯错?我好没用。Why do I keep making mistakes? I am so lame.

对话 A: Why do I keep making mistakes? I am so lame. 为什么我一直犯错?我好没用。

B: No one is perfect. Just learn from these lessons. 人无完人。只要吸取教训就行。

❿ 我很久没给你写信了,感到很惭愧。I feel ashamed that I haven't written to you for so long.
