Scene 130 科技(在线收听

Scene 130 科技

❶ 随着科技进步,生活节奏在不断加快。The pace of life is increasing with technological advancements.

❷ 我们可以靠科技走得更远。We can go further by technology.

对话 A: We have to admit that technology helps us a lot. 我们不得不承认科技帮助了我们很多。

B: We can go further by technology. 我们可以靠科技走得更远。

❸ 人们可以随时随地用电脑发邮件。People can send e-mails with computer at any time and any place.

同类表达 Now, with WiFi, people can check their e-mails wherever they go. 现在,有了无线网络,人们可以随时随地收发邮件了。

❹ GPS使我们的旅行变得更便利。GPS makes our travel easier.

❺ 掌上游戏机很受年轻人欢迎。PSP is quite popular among young people.

对话 A: PSP is quite popular among young people. 掌上游戏机很受年轻人欢迎。

B: Indeed. Just look at how many young people are playing on the subway. 确实啊。看看有多少年轻人在地铁上玩就知道了。

❻ 科技在公司中运用得很广泛。Technology is widely used in the company.

同类表达 There are tons of tech companies developing applications. 现在有很多开发应用程序的科技公司。

❼ LED照明能耗低。LEDs have lower energy consumption.

对话 A: Nowadays, more and more companies and households choose LEDs instead of regular light bulbs. 现在越来越多的公司和家庭选择LED照明灯,而不是普通的灯泡。

B: That's the way to go. LEDs have lower energy consumption. 这是发展趋势。LED照明能耗低。

❽ 智能家居系统走进普通人的家中。Smart home system enters the common people's home.

对话 A: I bought a Smart TV last week. 我上周买了一台智能电视。

B: It's popular now. Smart home system enters the common people's home. 现在很流行呢。


❾ 这部带GPS导航的手机帮了我大忙。The phone with GPS navigation helps me a lot.

❿ 科技改变了我们的生活。The technology changes our life.

对话 A: The technology changes our life. 科技改变了我们的生活。

B: Yes, and it saves our time. 是的,它还节省了我们的时间。
