Scene 140 新闻(在线收听

Scene 140 新闻

❶ 报纸以报道时事为主。Newspaper features articles on current affairs.

对话 A: What's the newspaper about? 报纸是介绍什么的?

B: The newspaper features articles on current affairs. 报纸以报道时事为主。

❷ 你有没有看到这篇报道?Have you read the report?

对话 A: Have you read the report? 你有没有看到这篇报道?

B: I read it this morning. I feel shocked by the murderer's cruelness. 今早看到了,我对凶手的残忍感到震惊。

❸ 这篇新闻报道是署名的。The newspaper report was bylined.

同类表达 The newspaper report is anonymous. 这篇新闻报道是匿名的。

❹ 暴力可以在新闻中见到。Violence can be seen on the news.

对话 A: Violence can be seen on the news. 暴力可以在新闻中见到。

B: I'm afraid that my children get influenced by that. 我担心孩子受影响。

❺ 你在电视上看新闻节目吗?Do you watch the news on TV?

对话 A: Do you watch the news on TV? 你在电视上看新闻节目吗?

B: Rarely. I prefer to watch the news by mobile phone. 很少,我喜欢在手机上看。

❻ 你从那条新闻中推断出什么?What do you glean from the news?

同类表达 I want to know the truth. 我想知道真相。

❼ 她主持晚间新闻。She anchores the evening news.

对话 A: This hostess looks familiar. Where have I seen her? 这个女主持人看着好眼熟,我在哪里见过她?

B: She anchores the evening news. 她主持晚间新闻。

❽ 最新的消息证实了报道。The latest news confirmed the report.

对话 A: I can't believe the report. 我不相信这个报道。

B: The latest news confirmed the report. 最新的消息证实了报道。

❾ 以下是她的报道。This is her report.

同类表达 That's the latest news from her. 这是来自她的最新消息。

对话 A: This is her report. 以下是她的报道。

B: Let's watch it first. 让我们先看看吧。

❿ 宗教信仰差异有时会导致冲突。Religious differences sometimes lead to conflict.
