音乐咖啡厅:My Dear Country-Norah Jones(在线收听

最近上演了一场藏独的闹剧,国外媒体也纷纷起哄。每次看新闻我都特气愤,他们为什么要独立呢?还不是受到外国不法分子的教唆?我觉得做人的基本就是爱祖国。连祖国都不爱,还谈何爱家乡,爱人们?Norah Jones 在这里也同样这么说。

'Twas (It was) Halloween and the ghosts were out, 这是万圣节,鬼魂出来了
And everywhere they'd go, they shout, 他们去到哪儿,他们就叫
And though I covered my eyes I knew, 虽然我掩住了眼睛,但我也知道,
They'd go away. 他们已离去

But fear's the only thing I saw, 但是我只是害怕看见的东西
And three days later was clear to all, 三天以后就全部消失
That nothing is as scary as election day. 然后,没有什么比选举日期更可怕的了

But the day after is darker, 接下来的一天更黑暗了
And darker and darker it goes, 每天一点一点地黑暗
Who knows, maybe the plans will change, 谁知道,计划可能会改变
Who knows, maybe he's not deranged. 谁知道,可能他还没有疯掉

The news men know what they know, but they, 新闻人士以为他们知道一切
Know even less than what they say, 但他们知道的比他们说的还少(这个米跑题)
And I don't know who I can trust, 现在,我不知该相信谁
For they come what may. 他们不管结局如何都会造谣
'cause we believed in our candidate, 因为,我们相信我们的参议员
But even more it's the one we hate, 但是憎恨比相信更多
I needed someone I could shake, 现在我需要一个可以和他握手的人
On election day. 在选举日的那天

But the day after is darker, 接下来的一天更黑暗了
And deeper and deeper we go,接着我们坠入低谷
Who knows, maybe it's all a dream, 谁知道,这可能只是一场梦
Who knows if I'll wake up and scream. 谁知道,我可能会醒来尖叫

I love the things that you've given me, 我爱您给予我的一切
I cherish you my dear country, 我爱您,我亲爱的祖国
But sometimes I don't understand, 但有时我不懂得
The way we play. 我们运作的方式

I love the things that you've given me, 我爱您给予我的一切
And most of all that I am free, 并且给予了我自由——
To have a song that I can sing, On election day. 可以在选举日那天唱一首歌
