音乐咖啡厅:妈妈说Mama Said-对妈妈说出自己的爱吧(在线收听

Mama Said

 couldn't sleep last night
There was something on my mind
I lay there wishing in the dark
Someone could tell me why
If you love somebody
from the bottom of your heart
Why do you hurt each other
How does it fall apart?
An' then I heard a voice
as she sat down on my bed
And I can still remember
The words my mama said
Love can give, love can take
Love can bend and love can break
When you think it's over, it's not the end
Don't give in, just be strong
And please remember son, my mama said
There aren't no broken heart love cannot mend
My mama said, no one knows
What your life has got in store
You may go walking on the moon
You may be rich or poor
But I know for certain
If you try to reach the stars
Anything is possible
Your dreams are what you are
But when it comes to matters of the heart
There is no guarantees
All that I can say to you
Is what my mama said to me

Love can give, love can take
Love can bend and love can break
When you think it's over, it's not the end
Don't give in, just be strong
And please remember son, my mama said
There aren't no broken heart love cannot mend
So one day in my lifetime
When my world falls apart
I won't cry, I'll just tell my heart
My heart...........
Love can give, love can take
Love can bend and love can break
When you think it's over, it's not the end
Don't give in, just be strong
And please remember son, my mama said
There aren't no broken heart love cannot mend
There aren't no broken heart love cannot mend 


2岁:Declan跟随祖父(Ben)在小酒馆表演爱尔兰传统音乐,年仅两岁的Declan很早就显露出惊人的天赋,而且唱得有模有样, 祖父96年去世,可是Declan忘不了他,Declan的第一张专辑《Declan》就是献给他祖父的。

8岁:Declan参加一些才艺竞赛,在十四个月內拿下十六个冠军,演唱风格跟曲目都宽广得超越他的年龄,获得了词作家Barry Mason(写过Last Waltz-最后的华尔兹的作者)的欣赏。从此Declan一发不可收,据传好几家唱片公司争相与Declan签约,最后EMI(百代)以超过百万英镑之巨,签了Declan3年,并承诺发行3张唱片。Declan参与录制的第一张唱片,是一张圣诞歌曲的合辑,其中收录了包括猫王、Elton John和Westlife(西城男孩)等超级巨星的名曲,而Declan所翻唱的卡通《雪人》(Snowman)主题曲《Walking in the Air》,丝毫不比那些《老前辈》们的差,引起了广大的关注,获得各大媒体争相报道,上遍几乎所有电视与电台的节目,从此,Declan成了英国与爱尔兰家喻户晓的名人。

10岁:Declan成了家里唯一的经济来源,负责养活一家四口。年方十岁的Declan对未来已经有了很多的期许,希望能夠拥有属于自己的作品。对于很多成人歌星也羡慕的百万合同,Declan说,“其实我拿不到这么多,100万是公司承诺投入在我身上的全部资金。不过我不在意,我只是喜欢唱歌而已。”Declan最希望的是能够照顾好家人,父母再也不用去工作;如果他有了钱,会给爸爸买一辆新车;如果还有剩余,就给自己买些足球球星卡;如果还有多,就存进银行。Declan的杰出表现,贏得曾经谱写《The Last Waltz》等许多经典的名家Barry Mason (贝瑞梅森)赏识,不但担任他的制作人、为他编曲,更亲自为Declan谱写新歌。2002年10月29日,Declan首张专辑《Declan》发表,立刻造成轰动,更以一曲《Tell me why》传遍了世界,除了英国和爱尔兰,包括德国在內,许多欧洲国家也纷纷邀请Declan前去演唱。连Simon Cowell听过Declan的歌唱,也不禁同意,这个小家伙潜力十足,假以时日,必定能够成为超级大明星。

14岁:Declan相隔四年之后发行第二张专辑《Thank You》,Declan还沒有开始变声,仍然维持着原有的嘹亮高音。新唱片公司华纳特意请到德国的制作人,所有制作都将在德国完成。这对Declan是个不小的考验,在电视访问时,14岁的Declan说:“NO,我们应该要做的是如何找到应对的方法,而不是自怨自艾!”

16岁:Declan即将发行第三张个人专辑《YOU AND ME》并将举办巡回演唱会。Declan的愿望是希望世界上所有的孩子都能摆脱饥饿、恐惧和病痛,就个人而言,目前Declan还没真正拥有一个伟大的梦想,但Declan希望能做好要做的每一件事并能帮助照顾他的家庭。被媒体预言说在16岁之前,不会吸毒就会酗酒的Declan,现在除了天使般的声音还表现星探们热衷的所谓“明星气质”,更重要的是那颗单纯、善良的心。
