美联社新闻一分钟 2008-04-27(在线收听

1. The Rev. Al Sharpton is promising to shut down New York City with protests. He says the officers acquitted in the 2006 shooting death of Sean Bell should be required to face a jury. The Justice Department says it's considering whether to bring a federal civil rights case against the officers.

2. Dozens of people are still unaccounted for after a fast-moving fire destroyed an apartment complex in Norwich, Connecticut. And another 150 are now homeless. That's after firefighters arrived at about 1:30 a.m. to find flames engulfing the buildings.

3. Miles of San Diego County beaches remain closed to swimmers after a deadly shark attack. Authorities believe a great white lifted triathlete David Martin out of the water with his legs in its jaws yesterday. It was the first shark fatality in San Diego County since 1994.

4. An estimated 10,000 people crowded into Christianity's most holy shrine to celebrate the Orthodox Christian ‘holy fire’ ritual. Christians believe Jesus Christ was buried where the Church of the Holy Sepulchre now stands in Jerusalem.



1. engulf: v

to surround or to cover sb/sth completely

2. great white: n. 大白鲨

great white shark

3. triathlete: n.

someone who takes part in triathlon, which is an athletic event consisting of swimming, cycling and running over various distances.

4. Church of the Holy Sepulchre: n 圣墓大教堂
