

Here we go,
I'm hanging out in Camden
Drink with my girlfriends on a Saturday night
This guy says,
come and meet my girlfriend
She's sitting in the corner looking rather uptight
So I say hello and I try to be nice
But I see he's feeling itchy
Trying to play us off each other,

Girls, girls, please don't fight (you get the picture)
Hey you, the muscles and the long hair

Telling me that women are superior to men

Most guys just don't appreciate this
You just convincing me you're better than them
So he talks for hours about his sensitive soul
And his favorite subject is sex
I don't even think he really wanted it
But, Christ this guy's too much (I wanna tell him)
I'm as human as the next girl,

I like a bit of flattery

But I don't need your practised lines,

your school of charm mentality so
Save your breath for someone else and

credit me with something more
When it comes to men like you,
I know the score,

I've heard it all before
(Here comes the next one)
Blondie was with me for a summer

He flirted like a maniac but I wouldn't bite
I'm weak and he was so persistent

He only had to have me 'cause I put up a fight
Oh God, the boy had such an ego
He liked to talk about himself all day and all night
You think you're such a ladykiller
But you were nothing special 'til you turned out the light

When he's nice to me he's just nice to himself
And he's watching his reflection
I'm a five foot mirror for adoring himself
Here's seven years bad luck (I wanna tell him)
When you say you love me you're just flattering your vanity

But I don't need your practised lines your,
your school of charm mentality so
Save your breath for someone else and
credit me with something more

When it comes to men like you,
I know the score,
I've heard it all before
Ooh, you're such a ladykiller,
always on a winner,
thinking that you're in there

Oh boy, you're such a ladykiller,
super sexy mister,
call it what you will,
oh,You think you're such a lady killer,
I just bet you're still there,
posing in the mirror
Hey girls, he's such a ladykiller,
but we know where he's coming from and we know the score.


1988年LUSH乐队成立于英国伦敦,由两对情侣组成,1998年解散。LUSH是4AD旗下一支重要的乐队,是自赏摇滚(shoegazing)风格的代表,密集的回授吉他和优美的旋律是乐队的两大特点,虽然乐队没有象4AD旗下一些乐队那么被大众所熟知,但LUSH的音乐却是绝对非一般的缥缈唯美。主唱Chris Acland后来不幸于1996年因为长期忧郁症而上吊自杀外当时的乐团的发展又因Shegazing乐派如慧星般迅速崛起,离散而让Lush的组团命运也随同大起大落,只到1998年宣布解散而结束。


一般而言,Lush或许未如同乐派的My Bloody Valentine 或Ride那样受到乐评界的诸多推崇,但不可否认,身为低调厂牌4AD仙乐派主要代表乐队之一,他们对于当时的乐坛发展规律着实有其重要的贡献。有人称其为强硬派女权主义乐队,但在他们的音乐中,往往是仙乐缥缈的女声伴随着甜美的白色Guitar噪音,营造出一种异样的美感,也可以这样说,他们踩在了Cocteau Twins的肩膀上,但是比他们的前辈更进了一步。"Light from a dead star"就是他们的绝出代表作。聆听那来自星辰的梦幻灵声,已经超越了现实的空间和时间,配乐更是达到了完美的境界,已来不及区分音乐与床的不同,能带来如此美妙的梦境,堪称唯美另类的不朽之作!"Light From A Dead Star"选自他们1993年的作品《Split》。
