美联社一分钟新闻 2008-07-14(在线收听

1. An attack on a remote base in Afghanistan has left nine American soldiers dead, another 15 were wounded. Officials say the attack began early in the morning in a remote area near the Pakistan border with militants firing machine guns, grenades and mortars.

2. Fire crews in California are getting a bit of help from the weather. Calmer winds and higher humidity are allowing crews to gain containment on a blaze in the northern town of Paradise. In the eastern Sierra however, rain has led to a huge mudslide which forced a dozen people from their homes.

3. President Bush returned to Washington from Camp David where he spoke fondly of his former press secretary Tony Snow. Bush said Snow loved to laugh, loved his country and loved his family. Snow died yesterday of cancer at the age of 53.

4. Dozens of canines were rocking a Rio (Rio de Janeiro 里约热内卢)dog show Sunday in celebration of International Rock and Roll Day. Outfits were judged on creativity, originality and overall rock appeal.

