美联社一分钟新闻 2008-07-19(在线收听

1.Israel says it has arrested six men for plotting to form a terrorist network tied to al-Qaeda. Officials say one of the men wanted to target the helicopter of President Bush during a visit in January.

2.Authorities are digging through a yard in Florida, looking for clues in the disappearance of a two-year-old.The girl has been missing for more than a month.The girl's mother has been arrested on charges that include child neglect.

3.In Wichita, Kansas, a courtroom outburst from this inmate. Appearing before a judge for sentencing, Michael Gaines shouted obscenities at the judge and assistant district attorney.He was led out of the courtroom and sentenced to 13 years about an hour later.

4.The largest squid ever caught in Australian waters is going under the knife. At this public dissection, all to increase awareness of rarely-seen deep sea creatures. It has teeth cut like a chainsaw and three hearts.



Neglect has three different categories, which include physical, educational, and emotional neglect. An example of physical neglect would be the failure to provide adequate food, clothing, or hygiene. An example of educational neglect would be the failure to enroll the child into school. An example of emotional neglect would be inadequate nurturing or affection.

2.outburst [countable]n.
something you say suddenly that expresses a strong emotion, especially anger

3.inmate [countable]n.
someone who is being kept in a prison

4.obscenity plural obscenities [countable and usually plural]
a sexually offensive word or action

5.district attorney
A district attorney (D.A.) is, in some U.S. jurisdictions, the title of the local public official who represents the government in the prosecution of alleged criminals. The district attorney is the highest officeholder in the jurisdiction's legal department and supervises a staff of assistant district attorneys.

6.lead past tense and past participle led [intransitive and transitive]v.
to take someone somewhere by going in front of them while they follow, or by pulling them gently

7.go under the knife
to have a medical operation

8.dissect [transitive]v.
to cut up the body of a dead animal or person in order to study it
dissection [uncountable and countable]n.

a tool used for cutting wood, consisting of a circular chain with teeth which is driven by a motor

