CNN 2008-03-12(在线收听

Hello! I'm Melissa Long at the CNN Center here in Atlanta on this Tuesday, March 11th. Here are some of the stories that are happening NOW IN THE NEWS.

 Eight US soldiers have been killed in two separate bombings in Iraq. The military says five were killed when a suicide bomber detonated near a foot patrol in Baghdad yesterday. Also three troops died in a roadside bombing in the Diyala Province. It makes yesterday the deadliest day in Iraq for US troops since last September.

 Thirty-three delegates are at stake as Mississippi voters are going to the polls today. The race between the Democratic Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama is so close: every delegate does count. Early turnout appears heaviest in the areas which have presidential and congressional voting on the ballots.

 Obama, who swept the other Deep South states, has drawn enthusiastic crowds in Columbus and the state capital Jackson. Clinton has already started concentrating her campaign on the next big battleground state Pennsylvania.

 Republican Senator John McCain took his White House Campaign to St. Louis today. He is kicking off a week of fund-raising that will see him in New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Illinois. And this morning, he answered questions at a town-hall-style format meeting. He also told reporters he has been cancer free since a bout with melanoma seven and a half years ago now.

 CNN confirming that aids to New York Governor Eliot Spitzer and the state's lieutenant governor have started planning for a possible transition. Federal prosecutors have linked Spitzer to a high-end prostitution ring. Investigators say Spitzer was a frequent client. The probe began as a look into possible money-laundering after a bank notified the IRS of several large transfers of money between two accounts connected to Spitzer. Now the governor has not been charged with any crime. The New York Republican Assemblymen also weighing in, saying the state leadership there, the state GOP leadership will call for impeachment proceedings to begin if Spitzer does not resign within 48 hours.

 The price of oil still climbing, setting record highs in fact breaking 109 bucks a barrel, this as the dollar reaches fresh lows against the Euro. Meantime, the price of gasoline has matched its record high. AAA now reporting that the average price of regular unleaded has gone up to 3 dollars and 22 cents a gallon.

 And you're up to date. Those are the headlines at this hour. Do stay with CNN for more on these stories or other news of the day.
