
small words turn

turn against

to turn against means to change your opinion to not liking or agreeing to someone or something

since they declared war, the country has turned against the government.

he is always broading nasty stories in an attempt to turn everyone against me.

turn arround

to turn arround means to move so that you're facing the opposite direction

when I'm speaking to you, turn arround and look at me.

I recognized him even from behind, he didn't need to turn arround so I could see his face.

turn away

to turn away means to refuse someone entry to a place

we only have 50 places so we have to turn people away everyday.

the restaurant has a strict dress code, it turns away anyone in shorts and T-shirt.

to turn away can also mean to refuse to help or support someone

nobody is turned away, we help everyone who comes to us.

he is my nephew, i can't turn him away without giving him some money.

turn in

to turn in means to give something to someone in authority to deal with it

there was an amnesty and you could turn in guns and knives and without any consequences.

to turn in can also mean to go to bed informally

would you like some milk before you turn in?

turn back

to turn back means to return to the place you came from

the road was inpassable after the snow so we had to turn back.

to turn back can also mean to fold something over

she marked a place in the book by turning back the page.

to turn back can also mean to change your plans

we have invested a lot of time and money in this project, there is no turning back now.

turn up

to turn up means to increase the force, speed, loudness ect. of something

turn up the radio please, I can't hear what they are saying.

to turn up can also mean to appear or arrive informally

she turned up at the last minute.

to turn up can also mean to be found after being lost

don't worry it will turn up eventually.

turn down

to turn down means to reduce the amount of heat, sound, etc. produced

it's rather hot in here, shall I turn the heating down here?

to turn down can also mean to refuse something

I turn down an invitation to dinner to come and spend the night with