英语口语王 想说就说(四)07(在线收听

  asking for help from colleagues 请同事帮忙
  Excuse me, could I ask a favour? 对不起,可以请你帮个忙吗?
  Sure, go ahead. 当然,说吧。
  Could you tell me where the canteen is? 你可以告诉我餐厅在哪儿吗?
  Sure, I can take you there actually. 当然,事实上我可以带你过去。
  Oh, I don't want to trouble you. 啊,我不想麻烦你。
  It's fine. I was heading there anyway. 没关系,我本来就要往那个方向去。
  1.Excuse me, could I ask a favour? 对不起,可以请你帮个忙吗?
  Excuse me, could you do me a favour? 对不起,可以请你帮个忙吗?
  2.Could you tell me where the canteen is? 你可以告诉我餐厅在哪儿吗?
  I 'm looking for the canteen,could you tell me where it is? 我在找餐厅,你可以告诉在哪儿吗?
  3.Oh, I don't want to trouble you. 啊,我不想麻烦你。
  I don't want to be any trouble. /I don't want to put you out. 我不想麻烦你。
  4.I was heading there anyway 我本来就要往那个方向去。
  I was already on my way there. /That's where I was headed anyway. 我本来就要往那个方向去。
