英语口语王 想说就说(五)05(在线收听

Section three Customs 风俗习惯

So I'm on the fifth floor?How come this hotel has no fourth floor.


Four is an unlucky number here,Peter.Four sounds like death in Chinese.Hotels often have no fourth floor.


I see.Oh,I know what I wanted to ask.How much should I tip this guy?


People don't usually tip here,but you can.Fifty dollars should be more enough.



1.How come this hotel has no fourth floor.这间饭店怎么没有四楼?

同义例句:How come the bill was so high?账单怎么会这么贵?

How come you are so late?你怎么迟到这么久?

2.Hotels often have no fourth floor.这里的饭店常常没有四楼.

同义例句:It's quite normal that hotels have no fourth floor.这里的饭店常常没有四楼.

It's common practice that hotels have no fourth floor.

3.I know what I wanted to ask.我想起来我要问你的问题了.

4.Fifty dollars should be more than enough.五十块应该绰绰有余了.

同义词句:Fifty dollars should be fine.五十块应该可以了.Fifty dollars should do.五十快就可以了.Fifty dollars would do.五十块就可以了.Fifty dollars should do nicely.五十块就可以了.Fifty dollars sounds about right.五十块差不多.

补充例句:I've eaten more than enough.I've eaten too much.我已经吃太多了.