英语口语王 想说就说(五)37(在线收听

Section 11 Checking out 饭店退房

Excuse me.I'd like to check out,please.对不起,我要退房,谢谢。

Of course,sir.Did you have anything from the minibar?好的,先生,您有使用冰箱内的东西吗?


Ok,the total would be $367 and 65 cents.How would you pay ?好的,房账一共是367.65美元,您要怎么付?

By American express,if that's ok.美国运通卡,如果可以的话。

Of course,sir.Will you need taxi?当然,先生,您待会需要计程车吗?

That's ok.I'm expecting a lift from my friend.没关系。我有朋友会来接我。


1 I'd like to check out,please.我要退房,谢谢。

2 Did you have anything from the minibar?您有使用冰箱内的东西吗?

3 How would you pay ?您要怎么付?

同义词句:How would you like to pay?您要怎么付?

How are you going to settle the bill?您要怎么付?

4 By American express,if that's ok.美国运通卡,如果可以的话。

补充例句:I'd like to take a break,if that's ok.我想休息一下,如果可以的话。

Let's make it a Monday moring,if that's ok with you.星期一早上好了,如果你可以的话。

5 I'm expecting a lift from my friend.我有朋友会来接我。

补充例句:I expect Shally to show up at 6.我认为Shally六点会到。

We expect to make some money this year.我们预期今年会赚钱。

6 I'm expecting a lift from my friend.我有朋友会来接我。

补充例句:Would you like a lift home?要我载你回家吗?

Can you give me a lift to the train station?你可以载我到火车站吗?