
理解 comprehension

核实理解情况 Checking comprehension

If I see your point right, then …

If I got it right, then …

If I got the picture, then …

If I understand right, then …

If I follow you correctly, then…

If I perceive your meaning correctly, then…

If I understand you rightly, then…

If I take your point rightly, then…

Another words, right?

So what it boils down to is ,yeah?

So the basic idea is that …

So what you mean is …, right?

So what you really say is …, right?

You mean…, right?

Do you intent to say that …

Do you mean …?

So what you intent to say is that…

Sorry, I don’t quite catch you. You mean…

I’m sorry, I’m not sure I’ve got the point of what you say.

Do you mean that?

Sorry, I don’t quite see the point., does it mean… ?

Sorry, I don’t quite with what you said, does it mean…?

I’m not certain I grasp what you meant, is it that…?

That means …, right?

Is that mean?

So that means…

Am I understand that …

So am I right in saying

Would I be correct in supposing

Would I be right in saying ?

Can I misunderstood you if I say

I’m not sure I follow you right, do you mean that?

I’m sorry if I’ve been a little slow, but I’m not sure I understand. Is this means?


Can I get one thing clear? You think?

Just to be quite clear about what’s just been said

The implications seem to be ..

That seem to be tenement to saying

了解他人是否明白 Asking if someone understand



get it?

Got that?

Do you see?

Ok so far?


See what I mean?

get the picture?

Are you with me ?

Are you there yet?

Got the massage yet?

Has the pain drops?

Have you got it right?

Did you get the picture.

You have me ,haven’t you?

know what I mean?

know what I’m driving at?

Know what I’m getting at?

know what I’m trying to say?

do you get me ?

Do you take me ?

Do you follow me ?

do you see my point?

Do you see what I mean?

do you get what I mean?

Do you know what I mean?

do you catch my meaning?

Do you understand what I said?

Can you make sense of what I said?

do you grasp the point what I said?

Is that clear to you?

That’s clear, isn’t it?

You got it, didn’t you?



Is that thing to make sense?

Don’t you see the point?

If you see what I mean.

If you take my point.

If you understand what I mean

I hope that’s clear.

I suppose I’ve made myself clear.

Do I make myself clear?

Have I made myself clear?

Am I making myself clear?
