AP美联社一分钟新闻 2008-09-03(在线收听

1. New Orleans evacuees have been told they can't go home again yet. Mayor Nagin is telling residents to wait in shelters and motels for a few more days. Meantime, those who stay behind are already cleaning up the mess in Hurricane Gustav's wake.

2. A 22-year-old allegedly confessed to brutally killing a New York college student. Kevin Pravia was found dead Sunday night with an electrical cord wrapped around his neck. He was apparently suffocated with a pillow.

3. After pausing for a day for Hurricane Gustav, Republicans gathered in Minnesota have turned their convention back onto a political track. President Bush will speak by satellite tonight from the White House. And former Democratic vice presidential nominee Joe Lieberman and former Senator Fred Thompson are expected to take the stage.

4. Even with his golf done for the year, Tiger Woods found something to celebrate Tuesday. His wife is pregnant with their second child. The couple's daughter, Sam, was born after the 2007 US Open.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Online
Merriam-Webster Online

1. in sb's/sth's wake:
behind or after someone or something.

2. suffocate:  v.
If someone suffocates or is suffocated, they die because there is no air for them to breathe.

