AP美联社一分钟新闻 2008-11-02(在线收听

1. Presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama make their last-minute pleas to voters days before Election Day. McCain says Obama is running for redistributor in chief while Obama told radio listeners his election would change the world.

2. Obama's aunt is living in the United States illegally in Boston, instructed to leave four years ago by an immigration judge denying her request for asylum from her native, Kenya. Obama says he did not know she was here illegally.

3. At least 29 people died in Pakistan from a suspected US missile strike on two villages near the Afghanistan border. A senior Taliban official narrowly escaped the attack.

4. Chicago is remembering Pulitzer Prize-winning author Studs Terkel, capturing the city in the pages of his best-selling oral histories. Terkel died Friday. He was 96.


1. instruct: v.

to officially tell someone what to do.

2. asylum: n.

protection given to someone by a government because they have escaped from fighting or political trouble in their own country.

