摇滚:温情刻骨铭心 A Different Place(在线收听


We sat under London skies on

A perfect June day.

I touched her hand and whispered our names.


And all of the birds flew by and

The clouds blow away

The rose oil in her hair

And her infinite craze.
These are the thoughts that take me to a different place.
There are the words that take me to a different place.
And I gave her a rose from my garden
And the petals blow away.
They look like confetti on her beautiful face.
These are the thoughts that take me to a different place.
There are the words that take me to a different place.
These are the thoughts that take me to a different place.
There are the words that take me to a different place

这绝对是08年又一大事,Wilderness作为Brett Anderson的第二张个人专辑,初版将以USB型式推出,连同7月7日于Mermaid Theatre演出的门票一同发售,而大碟的CD将稍后发行。 Brett Anderson又回来了,温柔如水,整张专辑的歌曲都是那么悠扬平静,而以前另类无比的声音却变得那么平和动人。
Wilderness中通篇配器是钢琴加提琴或者木吉他,此外鼓也只出现了一次,也是在第六首funeral mantra里,大概是手鼓之类的而不是架子鼓。BA那深情的嗓音依旧,但是很难觅到Suede时的妖艳了,专辑听起来像在品一杯香茗,却一点也不觉得平淡,相反定会让人泪湿衣襟,不可错过!
