摇滚:Put the sun back(在线收听


I caught you crying
Trying to hide your tears away
And all the while
I never knew you felt this way
I've loved you from the start
How could we let this come apart?

We've got to put
The sun back in our hearts

Through the alleyways
The avenues ans dreary days
Your schoolyard eyes

Hypnotizing every time
When we kiss in the dark
Emotion tearing us apart

We've got to put
The sun back in our hearts
Down the cinder path
And through the hedge
Climbing up to the window ledge

Throwing lockets to make a scene

I can't explain, you know what I mean
I caught you crying

Trying to hide your tears away
But your crippled smile
Will always give the game away

Are we falling apart?

Are we just walking in the park?
We've got to put
The sun back in our hearts

英国利物浦迷幻流行典曲乐团The Coral的第四张专辑Roots & Echoes,是一张「每首歌曲也能以一支木吉他玩奏出来」的唱片。

2002年间,由前Shack鼓手Alan Wills开设的利物浦唱片厂牌Deltasonic Records的推波助澜下,一眾当地的新晋乐团乃席捲英伦独立音乐圈,在当时构成一股利物浦独立乐团新浪。在这眾利物浦独立乐团当中,最成功的乃莫过於作为Deltasonic之头号队伍的The Coral。

过去五年,The Coral共发表过的三张专辑和一张迷你专辑,都全部能打上英国排行榜五甲位置,而在2005年的前作专辑The Invisible Invasion里,最为乐迷津津乐道不独是唱片交由Portishead两位团员 Geoff Barrow和Adrian Utley为他们操刀监製,而且In The Morning这首清新柔扬的小品单曲更成为了乐队的大热作。

Roots & Echoes是一张The Coral更呈旋律化与温婉感情的唱片专辑,他们不但拥有更佳的作曲才华,毋须再以古灵精怪的素材来掩饰;而他们的理念,是为这专辑做出拥有长青条件的音乐。先行单曲兼Roots & Echoes的开场曲Who’S Gonna Find Me乘著爽朗而怀旧的Northern Soul节拍而来,以这首百分百清新可喜之作来热身一番。美好的曲调,在Roots & Echoes里绝对比比皆是。Put The Sun Back是典型的清新独立结他流行曲,Jacqueline在粒粒清的结他下,那份如沐春风之感,更宛如The Smiths的漂亮Jangle-Pop小品。Cobwebs亦是如斯雋永谐和的清爽Folk-Pop曲目。

然而The Coral仍不离其迷幻本色,Remember Me依然可叫人联想到Echo & The Bunnymen的后崩新迷幻气息来,In The Rain和She’S Got A Reason同样是其迷幻摇滚曲目,末段的乐器演奏部分更来得相当之The Doors呢!碟末的Music At Night仿如披星戴月上路的意境,背后却从弦乐间勾勒出一份靡烂而浪荡的氛围。而Fireflies散发著的神秘、幽美而浪漫,大可跟Echo & The Bunnymen的1984年经典作The Killing Moon媲美。窝心温婉的Ballad曲目,那有柔扬清雅之作Rebecca You。论到最怦然心动,那定是Not So Lonely这首美丽得没话说的Acoustic Ballad,美得好比晚空上的皎洁月儿呢。

